My process started off with a sketch that i scanned onto photoshop using the scanner at the factory:
I then cut out sections of the wave and placed a rainbow behind it to see through the cut out section. To do this I simply selected the bit I wanted to cut out and deleted it. I created a layer behind my sketch where I inserted the rainbow picture to see through the deleted part:
I then added colour to certain picture I have grown like the sun and butterflies. I did this using the magic wand tool to select certain sections and colour them in with the brush tool. I chose a different type of brush to make sure I didnt get a solid affect which is what I was avoiding. I also added the same brush effect ontop of the rainbow wave to give it the same type of effect as the rest of the picture:
(this is shown without the rainbow layer seen)
I then added certain effects which are found in filter-->filter gallery to sharper the black lines. I also added my name in the bottom right corner fitting in the same type of look to the pictures and ended up with this: